Join UselessRobUK and the Crew of #LOL Entertainment on all platforms as they provide the best entertainment for you to enjoy and chill out to. At #LOL we aim to not only make you laugh out loud but smile and give you a safe place to relax and unwind.

Rob aka UselessRobUK created #LOL Entertainment in 2021 as an idea for an eSports team however many other ideas came to light and Rob launched the brand in early September of 2021. 

With Rob, Wullie, Caos and Andy at the helm of #LOL for all content creation ideas and development projects #LOL has continued to expand the brand across the world providing the best entertainment possible and with the main aim to make everyone laugh and smile.

Development or Graphic Design

If you would like discuss asset work with the team please use the contact button at the bottom tab and use the apporiate email for the correct deperment you wish to contact for project works.


We specialize in providing first class professional marketing and promotion services to our clients through our registered service partners and platforms.